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Chimney Sweeper
Odezia atrata (Linnaeus, 1758)
Geometridae: Larentiinae
1870 / 70.130
Photo © Andy Nunn,  Grange Cumbria

Similar Yorkshire Species: None
Forewing: 12-15mm
Flight: June to July
Foodplant:   Pignut, on the flowers and seeds
Red List: Least Concern (LC)
GB Status: Common
Verification Grade:  Adult: 2

Yorkshire Status: Fairly widespread resident.

This is a moth of "unimproved" hay meadows with pignut. It is doing well at many places in the county but in others is a victim of agricultural practices. It is doing best in the north and west of the county. It is absent from many parts of south and east England for example East Anglia where it is virtually unknown.

Sutton & Beaumont, 1989: Widely recorded and locally common in all five vice-counties. This species is a good indicator of old hay meadows and tends to disappear where natural grassland sites are reseeded in agricultural areas.

Recorded in 159 (80%) of 200 10k Squares.
First Recorded in 1883.
Last Recorded in 2023.
Additional Stats

Latest 5 Records
Date#VC10k Area
21/07/2023565NY92 - Middleton-In-Teesedale
13/07/2023164SD96 - Malham / Threshfield
11/07/2023162SE79 - Rosedale Abbey
10/07/2023462SE58 - Rievaulx
10/07/2023164SE55 - York (N/W)
Further info: Odezia atrata
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Mothdissection UK Yorkshire Moths (Full)
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