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Hoplodrina blanda ([Denis & Schifferm?ller], 1775)
Noctuidae: Xyleninae
2382 / 73.097
Photo © Nick Lawman,  Wheldrake

Similar Yorkshire Species
Hoplodrina octogenaria
Vine's Rustic
Hoplodrina ambigua
Forewing: 13-16mm
Flight: June - August
Foodplant:   Herbaceous plants
Red List: Least Concern (LC)
GB Status: Common
Verification Grade:  Adult: 2

Yorkshire Status: Common and widespread resident.

Common and widespread over the county and rarely encountered in such big numbers as Uncertain. The situation is different to our north, and Rustic is the commoner of the two in Scotland. For the difference between these two species, see Uncertain. If you are in any doubt, please log as the aggregate species.

Sutton & Beaumont, 1989: Quite widespread, but it would now appear that H. alsines (Brahm) rather than the present species is the more frequent in the County. In VC61 a clear association with chalk and sand has been noted (PQW) but elsewhere in the County there does not appear to be any obvious preference, except that nearly all are low lying sites.

Recorded in 152 (76%) of 200 10k Squares.
First Recorded in 1883.
Last Recorded in 2023.
Additional Stats

Latest 5 Records
Date#VC10k Area
08/09/2023163SE31 -  Wakefield (S)
03/09/2023261SE64 - Wheldrake
03/09/2023161TA14 - Brandesburton
31/08/2023164SE42 - Castleford / Pontefract
25/08/2023163SE30 - Worsbrough / Wombwell
Further info: Hoplodrina blanda
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