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Stilbia anomala (Haworth, 1812)
Noctuidae: Oncocnemidinae
2394 / 73.061
Photo © Damian Money,  Skelton in Cleveland 20th August 2021

Similar Yorkshire Species: None
Forewing: 13-17mm
Flight: August - September
Foodplant:   Wavy Hair-grass and Tufted Hair-grass
Red List: Vulnerable (VU)
GB Status: Common
Former Status: Local
Verification Grade:  Adult: 3

Yorkshire Status: Uncommon and local resident.

The 2020 summary below gives a good idea of the situation at that time. Since then, it has done very well indeed. It is meant to be in long-term decline, but our moths have obviously not read the right literature, and our population appears to be quite healthy. Most records still come from the west of VC63 and 64, and the east of VC62. The books tell us that it inhabits lowland heaths. This has never been the case in Yorkshire, though a record at Haxby in 2020 hinted of a wanderer from Strensall. In 2022, a moth was trapped at Strensall, so it is likely there is a small population there.

2020 (CHF): Anomalous was a rare moth in Porritt's time. He noted "I have only seen one Yorkshire specimen; it was taken by J. W. Carter at Bradford on August 9th, 1877. He subsequently documented moths from Great Ayton in 1903, Ingleby Greenhow in 1900, and said it was taken "commonly near Saltaire". By the time of Sutton and Beaumont (1989) it was "very local in the centre and east of the county and has recently become more frequent". A slightly curious statement as records were from western areas and the north east. Since the turn of the century, we have had a steady trickle of records from western upland parts of the county and from the east of VC62, and seem to have healthy populations in these areas. Since 2010, VC62 records have spilled over into the very north of VC61 and it has become regular at Hunmanby Gap. The rogue dot in the south of VC63 is an odd record from Rotherham in 1976.
This is a moth of upland grassland and moorland where the larva feed on Deschampsia species, Tufted and Wavy Hair-grass. Tufted Hair-grass is common over much of the county but Wavy Hair-grass is much less common in the south-east of the county as it is more of an upland grass. I wonder if this is the main food plant as its distribution appears to mirror the distribution of the moth better. Moth'ers in Calderdale are particularly proficient in finding larvae and these have nearly all been on Wavy Hair-grass though there is one mention of Purple Moor-grass Molinia caerulea.
There have been fairly small numbers of records in recent years but 2020 was far more interesting. We received 23 records from 16 sites which is a very healthy total. In addition to moths from the usual areas, there were two extremely unusual records. Firstly, a moth was caught at light at Kilnwick in the middle of VC61 on 6th August. This is almost 20 miles from the nearest record. Was this just a wandering moth? Does it really occur somewhere in the area? Is there some suitable habitat we are not aware of in the vicinity? It is not usually thought of as being a migrant so it is not likely to have come too far. Secondly another moth was caught at Haxby on 15th August. This site regularly attracts wandering moths from Strensall Common which is not too far away. In some parts of its range for example Dorset, it occurs on lowland heaths. Do we have an undiscovered population at Strensall or indeed on any of our other lowland heaths? Perhaps after all, it is an unknown migrant and this is analogous to the odd influx of Light Knot-grass to lowland areas in 2019. The situation in Yorkshire shows stable numbers since at least as far back as 1995 so is at variance with comments in the recent Atlas which notes "Since 1970 it has undergone severe, ongoing decreases in abundance and distribution". What is happening in Yorkshire? Wait for next year's exciting episode.

Sutton & Beaumont, 1989: A mainly northern and western species associated with moorland, or at least, moorland edge. This moth is very local in the centre and east of the country. In Yorkshire it has recently become more frequent.

Retained Specimen / Photograph will be Required.

Recorded in 54 (27%) of 200 10k Squares.
First Recorded in 1877.
Last Recorded in 2024.
Additional Stats

Latest 5 Records
Date#VC10k Area
22/09/2024162NZ72 - Skinningrove
07/09/2024161TA17 - Bempton
03/09/2024161TA17 - Bempton
02/09/2024262NZ71 - Staithes
02/09/2024562NZ90 - Robin Hoods Bay
Further info: Stilbia anomala
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