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Phyllonorycter platani
Plane Leaf-miner (Staudinger, 1870)
Gracillariidae: Lithocolletinae
321a / 15.041
Photo © Andy Nunn,  Hull VC 61 - ex mine on London plane

Similar Yorkshire Species: None
Wingspan: 8-10 mm.
Flight: April - May and August
Foodplant:   London Plane
Nat Status: Local
Verification Grade:  Adult: 2  Mine: A

Yorkshire Status: Very rare and very local resident.

All records are of leaf-mines.

Argus 54, 2007: VC62. Museum Gardens, York, mines on plane 21.8.2007 (EDC). NEW COUNTY RECORD.

VC61. York University, mines on plane 24.8.2007 (EDC). NEW VICE-COUNTY RECORD.

Argus 58, 2009: VC63. Doncaster, a few mines on plane 22.9.2009 (HEB). NEW VICE-COUNTY RECORD.

Current status (HEB, 2011): First found in Britain in the London area in 1990, this plane mining species has since spread at a steady pace. The first county records were from adjacent localities in York (VC62 and 61) in 2007 with further records from Hull (VC61) in 2008 and from Doncaster (VC63) in 2009. Likely to be found more widely in the future, mainly in suburban or parkland areas where the host tree has been planted.

Argus 66, 2012: Since the first occurrence in 2007 this moth has slowly spread, previous records are from vice-counties 61-63.

VC64. Guiseley, mine on plane 2.11.2012 (DP). NEW VICE-COUNTY RECORD.

Recorded in 33 (17%) of 200 10k Squares.
First Recorded in 2007.
Last Recorded in 2023.
Additional Stats

Latest 5 Records
Date#VC10k Area
26/11/2023+64SE34 - Harewood
18/10/2023+64SE35 - Harrogate / Knaresborough
08/10/2023161TA02 - Hessle
07/10/2023+64SE33 - Leeds
30/09/2023+61TA04 - Beverley (N)
Further info: Phyllonorycter platani
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